Assalamualaikum w.b.t..
Alhamdulillah, at last i got time to write here... but just a few as my final exam is just around the corner...
I think i will stop writing for a few months due to time constraint... you know... next week, i'll have my final exam(do pray for me yah, so that i score well again).. then, balik kampung for a few days(OMG... juz a few days)... for the following week, i'll be in Kuching about one week.. come back home... next, go to KL for my cousin's wedding... home again... come back to UTP... I like it!!
So far, my preparation for the exam have gone very well... Alhamdulillah... InsyaAllah, I will continue writing when I come back to UTP... maybe about my experience in Kuching.. owh, I didn't write my trip to Medan yet... well... just wait..
I'll strive to my utmost to score in this exam!! yeah, do pray 4 me !! Pray also that Allah will always give you n me the strength to continue performing this JIHAD n contributing for the sake of Muslims... Takbir!!! ALLAHUAKBAR!!
Faris Al-Muhandisu

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Final exam???!!!
Posted by
11/20/2007 09:44:00 AM
Labels: Author's Desk
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Kucari Kebahagiaan
Kucari kebahagian,
Di sisi teman-teman,
Kudapat hanya kelalaian,

Ku cari lagi,
Di hati seorang kekasih,
Kudapat hanya kekecewaan,

Dan ku terus mencari,
Dalam meniti hari,
Penuh kekosongan…
Oh, di mana lagi harus ku mencari,
Membawa sekeping hati,
Yang sarat kerinduan,
Rindu yang tiada haluan,
Aku keliru sendiri,
Apa yang kucari,
Apa yang kuperlukan
Aku masih tak bisa mengerti,
Yang pasti,
Kekosongan hati ini minta diisi..
Sejenak ku tersedar,
Aku mencari cinta agung,
Buat jiwaku yang merindukan,
Hakikat kebenaran,

Cahaya yang membelah kegelapan,
Melimpah cemerlang mengisi kekosongan.
Ku sedar,
Destinasi pencarianku di sini,
Ku mencari-Mu Tuhan,
Mengharap keredhaan,
Menagih kebahagiaan,
Dari sinar cahaya iman
Posted by
11/11/2007 06:20:00 AM
Labels: Poem
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Salam Aidilfitri…
Selama ini, penulis banyak menggunakan bahasa inggeris dalam karya2 penulis disebabkan kehidupan seharian penulis di universiti ini banyak menggunakan bahasa utama dunia tersebut. Namun, jati diri Melayu tetap utuh di jiwa penulis. Bagi penulis, rosak bahasa, musnah bangsa. Jadi penulis agak skeptikal terhadap langkah kerajaan menguatkuasakan penggunaan BI sepenuhnya dalam subjek matematik dan sains mulai 2009 ini. Bukan menolak kuasa pada BI ini, tapi bimbangkan jati diri bangsa Melayu yang semakin luput ditelan arus globalisasi yang dikepalai Yahudi Laknatullah. Sebagai contoh, lihat sahaja di bandar2 besar seperti Kuala Lumpur. Jangan terkejut sekiranya anda ketemu golongan remaja Melayu yang tidak mampu bercakap bahasa Melayu dengan fasih. Tak perlu pergi jauh, lihat sahaja golongan artis kita. Tidak perlulah dihuraikan dengan lebih panjang di sini kerana topik sebenar penulis adalah berkenaan aidilfitri. Tetapi jauh pulak menyimpang. Penulis akan menghuraikan permasalahan ini dalam penulisan yang akan datang.
Alhamdulillah, akhirnya Aidilfitri menjelma lagi setelah sebulan berpuasa. Penulis bagi pihak rakan seperjuangan, farhan dan diri sendiri mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidlifitri kepada semua pembaca Blog Youthjihad ini. Diharapkan Hari Raya kali ini menginsafkan serta mengembalikan kita kepada fitrah hamba tuhan. Gunakanlah kesempatan yang ada di hari raya ini untuk mengeratkan hubungan silaturrahim sesama insan. Yang jauh kita dekatkan, yang dekat kita mesrakan (bak kata Zakiah Anas dalam Malaysia Hari ini). Dalam pada itu, jangan kita lupakan mereka yang tidak bernasib baik seperti fakir miskin, anak yatim dan lain2. Hulurkan tangan, ringankan beban. Sesungguhnya, kemeriahan hari raya akan lebih bermakna sekiranya dapat dikongsi bersama.
Kebetulan pula hari ini, penulis akan pulang ke kampong halaman setelah hampir 4 bulan berjihad dalam mencari ilmu. Sebagai hamba Allah yang lemah, semestinya penulis perlukan rehat. Alhamdulillah, cuti selama seminggu diberi. Namun perjuangan masih belum selesai dan ia tidak akan selesai selagi nyawa dikandung badan. Teruskan berjuang untuk agama kita hingga ke akhir hayat.
Semalam, penulis berbual-bual dengan kawan2 yang sedang melanjutkan pelajaran di Mesir dalam bidang perubatan melalui Yahoo Messenger. Banyak perkaralah yang kami bincangkan. Budaya, makanan, fasiliti, pelajaran dan lain2. Penulis agak tersentuh sebenarnya kerana mereka terpaksa berjauhan daripada keluarga di hari raya buat pertama kalinya. Timbul dalam benak kepala “macam mana la keadaan aku sekarang kalau aku terima tawaran untuk belajar di Kanada”. Pasti sedih. Namun penulis tetap optimis. Sekurang-kurangnya ia mengajar kita untuk menghargai keluarga kita. Ya lah, kalau dah ada di depan mata, bukannya hendak dipeluk atau dicium tanda sayang. Kadang-kadang tu asyik bergaduh. Apabila sudah jauh di mata, rindu mula mencengkam sukma. Haha… terasa ingin sahaja menangis sepuas-puasnya. Katanya rindu benar.
Itulah lumrah kehidupan. We can only learn to appreciate something through the absence of it. Kita hanya akan tahu betapa bermaknanya keluarga kepada kita setelah kehilangan mereka. Kita akan tahu betapa sedapnya nasi lemak apabila dah tak jumpa nasi lemak bertahun-tahun(gurau je.. hehe).
Walau bagaimanapun, takdir Allah tu adalah yang terbaik buat kita sebenarnya. Remember, Allah knows best. Salah satu ciri mukmin berjaya dalam artikel “7 habits of truly successful people” oleh Dr Bilal Philips ialah ‘Contentment’. A mukmin need to be content on what Allah has destined for him. That may bring him to heaven, InsyaAllah. Jadi, gembiralah dengan apa yang anda ada sekarang untuk berjaya kelak.
Cukup setakat ini sahaja dahulu. Sebagai penutup, renungkanlah ayat berikut:
“Barang siapa yang taat kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya dan takut kepada Allah dan bertakwa kepada-Nya maka mereka adalah orang-orang yang mendapat kemenangan” (An-Nuur:52)
Akhir kata, sekali lagi, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin…
***dah x dapat duit raya bila dah tua ni.. isk3...
Posted by
10/10/2007 12:12:00 AM
Labels: Author's Desk
Monday, October 8, 2007
10 ramadhan
10 ramadhan
Ah..aku tercela lagi
tiada guna...
sakit hati!
aku taubat!aku taubat!aku taubat!
ALLAH ampunkan diri
10 ramadhan
mata ini...berzina!
ingin sekali ku cungkilnya keluar saja!
Ya ALLAH...Jikabuta itu lebih baik,
butakan mata hamba
bisa jauh dari dosa sam'ie
Namun lupakah?
mata melihat
mata mengadili
mata bersyukur
keindahan ciptaan
kehebatan rekaan
Bodoh diri ini!
maka adakah celik itu jelik?
Posted by
10/08/2007 10:18:00 PM
Labels: Poem
RiNdU paDA ApakAh?
prindunya hati ini
kososng tak dipenuhi
lubang besar
hitam pekat
kering kontang
cacing kepanasan
tiada disuburi
semaian tasbih
tanaman istighfar
buahan selawat
khuyuk solat
suci wudhuk
Wahai jiwa-jiwa yang tenang!
demi yang Satu
sembahan manusia!
Posted by
10/08/2007 09:55:00 PM
Labels: Poem
Assalamualaikum w.b.t
Di sini terdapat beberapa petua daripada Imam Syafie yang cukup baik untuk diamalkan dalam kehidupan seharian kita. Diharapkan sama-samalah kita mengamalkannya.
Empat perkara menguatkan badan
1. makan daging
2. memakai haruman
3. kerap mandi
4. berpakaian dari kapas
Empat perkara melemahkan badan
1. banyak berkelamin (bersetubuh)
2. selalu cemas
3. banyak minum air ketika makan
4. banyak makan bahan yang masam
Empat perkara menajamkan mata
1. duduk mengadap kiblat
2. bercelak sebelum tidur
3. memandang yang hijau
4. berpakaian bersih
Empat perkara merosakan mata
1. memandang najis
2. melihat orang dibunuh
3. melihat kemaluan
4. membelakangi kiblat
Empat perkara menajamkan fikiran
1. tidak banyak berbual kosong
2. rajin bersugi (gosok gigi)
3. bercakap dengan orang soleh
4. bergaul dengan para ulama
> Tidur terlentang sambil berfikir tentang kejadian langit dan bumi.
> Miring ke sebelah kanan untuk memudahkan terjaga untuk solat malam.
> Miring ke sebelah kiri untuk mencernakan makanan yang banyak
> Menelungkup/tiarap seperti tidurnya ahli neraka.
Posted by
10/08/2007 03:50:00 PM
Labels: Religious
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Assalamualaikum w.b.t..
In the name of Allah, most gracious, most merciful…
There’s no god worthy of worship but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah..
“By (the Token of) Time (through the ages), Verily Man is in loss, Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy. “ (surah al-asr)
Alhamdulillah, after a few busy days, at last I managed to come out with this. It’s just simply to share my view on a very typical but hardly practiced by Muslims topic which is TIME. Please don’t be confused. I’m not giving tafsir on that surah, but just give my opinion and relate it to our society today. I’m not an expert on that particular field anyway.
Well, as mentioned in surah al-asr, humans are somehow in loss except for certain kind of humans. Let suppose, I divide humans into two groups. One group, A is in loss and the other is having the characteristics mentioned in that particular surah, B.
Let’s compare it with our society today, which group we are belong to??(I mean Muslims as I’m a Muslim) Well, based on my observation, I would say A, but don’t be annoyed. It’s just a personal opinion. You can take it or just leave it. So, who does belong to B?? I guess u know the answer. Just look at Japanese and Korean whose live in society with full of discipline (which supposedly in Muslim’s side) and modern far ahead of us. Really ironic right? Don’t you know that discipline is part of akhlaq principle? So? Non-muslims are more Islamic than Muslims themselves??
Just look at our Malays. For ‘typical Malays’, let suppose they make an appointment to come at any particular time, it’s almost possible that they come approximately 30 minutes late. It’s common right?? I’m Malay too. But because of my family’s strict education style, so-called Islamic style (which Muslims nowadays claim that it is too cliché, I mean give a strip of rattan if your child didn’t perform solah or sumthin like that), I believe I’m already out of the ‘prison’ of typical Malay. Thank god. Thanks a lot to my parents too..Well, what I want to point out here is that’s why Muslims are left far behind.
Let look at another instance. In local university, it’s very common for students to come late to class. If you ask them why, I bet you 90% of them will give you a very stu**d excuse such as wake up late, go to toilet n so forth. Oh my God, you see?? This is our future leader’s mentality!! In War, late for 1 second means thousands of death. Can you imagine how much we lose just because of those immature excuses??
Ahah.. This is Muslims.. me and you… do you realize that?? I just feel pity. Poor Muslims.. We are hopeless and helpless.. Do you know why? Because of our own helplessness!!! We are full of ignorance!! When Allah mentioned something in Holy Koran, of course we need to give a very serious attention on it. When Allah said “By (the Token of) Time (through the ages), Verily Man is in loss”, means time is very important!! There must be good thing behind it. Allah gives us nothing purely evil. Plz take note, “PURELY EVIL”. It’s not only about the time, but every single thing mentioned in Holy Koran is important… please brother and sister.. me also.. keep improving.. keep ourselves closer to Allah… because it’s the only way to succeed in the world or hereafter.. don’t ever turning away from Allah.. Please..
I think enough for now.. as a human, I’m also committing sins.. and it is not just a few.. but I’ll try to improve myself slowly from day to day and pray that my life ending with husnul khatimah.. insyaALLAH..
Hopefully, what I write here is beneficial for both you and me.. any mistakes occurred, please tell me… I want to improve just like u all… so, let keep ourselves in the right path..
Posted by
10/04/2007 03:08:00 AM
Labels: Religious
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Sunnahs of Eidul-Fitr
Eid ul-Fitr is one of the two major holidays celebrated by all Muslims of the world. It comes at the end of Ramadan- the fasting month. It is a day of celebration and giving thanks to Allah, our Creator and Cherisher. Most Muslims celebrate Eid for at three days.
Prophet Muhammad used to do the following on the day of Eid (Sunnah), May Allah's peace and blessings be upon him:
- To rise early in the morning.
- Take a full bath.
- Clean the teeth.
- Wear the best clothes that he had.
- Wear perfume.
- To eat something sweet like dates before leaving home.
- Go to the Eid prayer location very early. (The Prophet used to offer Eid prayer in a central location instead of offerring it in a mosque of a locality without any legitimate excuse).
- The Prophet used to go to the Eid Prayer location by one route and will return through another route.
- He used to go for Eid on foot.
- He used to chant slowly on the way to the Eid prayer location the following words: “Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Laa ilaaha illallahu Wallahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Wa lillahil Hamd." (Translation: Allah is the greatest, He is the greatest. There is no god except Allah. He is the greatest. All praises and thanks are for Him)
- The Prophet used to give Sadqa-e-Fitr (zakatul fitr) before the Eid day. (Giving just before Eid is fine, but against the spirit and its purpose. Ask your local mosque about how much and where to pay)
Method of Eid prayers
Eid prayer consists of two units of prayer (Rakas) with six Takbeers (the raising of the hands while saying Allahu Akbar [God is the Greatest]) in congregation, followed by the Khutba (sermon) of Eid.
![]() | Follow the Imam by raising both hands up to the ears, say Allahu Akbar, this is the first Takbeer to enter in the Salat. |
![]() | Then fold your hands in the front and recite the ‘Sanaa', ("subhaanakallahumma..). till the end, and |
![]() | Then say Allahu Akbar thrice, following you imam, each time raising both hands up to the ears and dropping them. After each takbeer there is going to be a slight pause in which Subhanallah may be recited thrice. |
![]() | After the third Takbeer the hands should be folded in front and listen to the imam reciting Aoozubillah, Bismillah, Surah Fateha and some other Surah and |
![]() | Then perform Ruku (bowing) as Imam says Allahu Akbar and |
![]() | Then go to Sajdah (prostration) as usual following your Imam's Takbeer. |
![]() | In the second Raka, the Imam will first recite Surah Fateha and some other Surah. Then he will say three Takbeers after it. In all of these three Takbeer's hands will not to be folded but dropped after each Takbeer. And |
![]() | Then go into the Ruku just after the fourth takbeer. |
![]() | Listening to the Khutbah after the Eid Salaat is Waajib (obligatory). |
Posted by
9/29/2007 04:56:00 AM
Labels: Religious
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
A Monument of beauty
By Velma Cook
A monument of beauty you stand
Gentleness and justice extend from your hands
Hands raised in prayer
Your eyes know no fear
Small children play at your feet
Open handed kindness which none can beat
Eyes that see through the shallow smiles
A mind that knows man's tricks and wiles
There can be no success without defeat
Overcoming one's lusts and desires
Until all that remains is a love and fear that ever burns
Seeking the pleasure of its Lord - for this alone it yearns
To treat evil as falsehood and keep to the truth - so rare
I'll not betray you as long as your soul
Stands firm on goodness and Allah is your goal.
Posted by
9/26/2007 03:43:00 AM
Labels: Poem
Sunday, September 23, 2007
The sickness of this world
This world is full of darkness and light
Good days and bad days Full of good deeds and bad deeds
yet we seem to sin more than we do good
Lying becomes hobby
Telling the truth becomes something that was in that past that will never last
Spreading rumours amongst our brothers and sisters becomes must
The fool is the one who follow his lust
Saying salaam amongst Muslims becomes like an old book full of rust
Being fully covered becomes religious
Saying the word jihad becomes dangerous
All you hear is people talk about sexual desire
This country they want to hire woman clothed yet naked
There is tight wire on my neck I can't bearth
Can you imagine how hot the blazing hell fire is
Posted by
9/23/2007 09:26:00 PM
Labels: Poem
The Christian Missionary's Thinking Questions for the Muslim
(Article based on Gary Miller's Speech on Islam & Christianity)
Muslim: Yes. Jesus was perfect man. Never sinned.
Missionary: Does the Koran tell Mohammad to repent?
Muslim: Yes. Quran tells Mohammad to repent.
Thats all. The missionary doesn't say anything else. He hopes now
that the Muslim would start thinking:
"Now, wait a minute, Jesus never sinned, but Mohammad was supposed
to repent. Maybe Jesus is better !"
Missionary wants the Muslim to start thinking that a sinless
man is better than a repentant sinner". Missionary is hoping,
but he dare not say it. Because if the Missionary
says that, he goes exactly against the teachigns of Jesus.
If the Missionary is foolish enough to say that a
sinless man is better than a repentant sinner, he's going
against the teachings of Jesus.
The reason why the Missionary is going against the teachigns of
Jesus is this:
Story of a lost sheep. Mathew Chapter 18, verse 12:
Jesus said, "If a man has a 100 sheep and one of them
has gone astray, does he not leave the 99 on the hills,
and go on the search of the one that went astray.
And if he finds it, truely I say to you, he rejoices over
it more than over the 99 that never went astray. "
Jesus was trying to hammer that point home to his disciples:
Don't you dare say, for example, because you've been a faithful follower
for many years that you're better than this one who just became a
believer just yesterday. The perfect man has no precedence over
the repentant sinner.
Missionary: Was Jesus the Messiah ?
Muslim: Yes.
Missionary: Was Mohammad the Messiah?
Muslim: No
Now, the Missionary stops there, and hopes that the Muslim would
start thinking, "now, wait a minute, Jesus is the Messiah, and
Mohammad is not the Messiah. Maybe Jesus is better!"
What the Muslim should ask the Missionary is about this word Messiah:
Jesus was the Messiah, but were there any other Messiahs besides
Jesus ?
Now you find out how well he knows his Bible. Because there were
many Messiahs: David, Solomon, and even Cyrus [sp?] the Persian
were called Messiah. Its hard to find it in the Bible because the
translators cover it over. Messiah means "annointed".
Messiah is somebody who has been picked to do a job.
Every king of ancient Israel was called Messiah. Now the word
doesn't sound so special anymore. It is a title, but it doesn't
particularly elevate one to some divine status.
Missnionary: Where's the body of Jesus ?
Muslim: God took it.
Missionary: Where's the body of Mohammad?
Muslim: Its in Medina. Its burried in ground.
Now the Missionary hopes that the Muslim would go away thinking,
"Now that's interesting! The body of Jesus is gone; Mohammad is in
the grave. Maybe Jesus is the true Messenger, Mohammad is false! "
Missionary's hoping the Muslim would think that, but he dare
not say it.
"Do you mean that a dead and burried
Prophet is a false prophet? Is that what you mean ?"
What does Missionary say about Abraham, for example ?
Abraham is burried. Jews and Muslims to this day, still go to the
the place where Abraham is burried, to visit his grave.
Is Abraham a false prophet because he's dead in the ground ?
Also, Bible says body of Moses was taken up by God. God
sent an angel to take the body away. So what does the
Missionary's question prove ?
Posted by
9/23/2007 09:12:00 PM
Labels: Muslim Issues
Islam in the Western mirror
By Dr. Nasir Khan
Present-day images of Muslims and Islam in Western media vary considerably. However, since the collapse of the Soviet Union the general drift of Western concerns has been to portray Islam as the main enemy of the West and the Muslim world as a hotbed of terrorism that threatens Western civilisation and its democratic values. Thus in the present-day hegemonic world order -- under which all norms of civilised behaviour in the conduct of foreign policy have been discarded by the Bush Administration and its allies in London and Tel Aviv -- Muslims are associated with terrorism. We have seen over the last few years the expansion of President Bush’s destructive war, the inhuman treatment of captive population of Iraq and Afghanistan, rampant abuse of prisoners from Muslim countries by American and British forces, total indifference towards the human rights of prisoners of war or of those suspected of resisting or opposing the American occupation of their countries and false propaganda to cover up the real objectives and crimes against humanity of the neocon rulers in Washington and London.
Needless to say, the so-called ‘Islamic challenge’ is based on assumptions that have no basis in reality. They misrepresent, distort and mislead rather than enlighten and inform. Over the last fifteen years a number of publications have appeared that have borne sensational titles like ‘Sword of Islam’, ‘The Islamic Threat’, ‘The Roots of Muslim Rage’, ‘Islam’s New Battle Cry’ and ‘What went wrong with Islam?’. They reveal the sort of preconceived image of Islam their writers had intended to convey to their readers. According to such projections, Islam is a challenge to Western values as well as to West’s economic and political interests. But in view of the real power wielded by the West in general and America in particular throughout the Middle East and beyond, the so-called ‘threat of Islam’ is quite groundless.
But right-wing political manipulators and Christian fundamentalists can very easily provoke major crises between the Muslim world and the West; we have only to recall the case of the cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. The real aim of some Danish and Norwegian right-wing newspapers to publish these cartoons was to provoke hostile reactions from Muslims and thus cause more bitterness and resentment between Muslims and Christians. They tried to cover up their anti-Islamic campaign behind the smokescreen of the argument that publishing the cartoons was a demonstration of the West’s freedom of expression. They were xenophobic, racist and disrespectful of immigrant cultures in Europe and the Islamic culture in particular. How could hurting the feelings of over one billion Muslims was to serve the interests of free Press, freedom of expression or civil liberties? An anti-Islam fundamentalist Christian by the name of Mr Selbekk, the Norwegian editor of Magazinet reprinted the cartoons which were first published in Denmark. He was asked if he would also publish any cartoons that insulted Jesus, said: No. Thus this gentleman’s vaunted ideal of ‘freedom of expression’ was limited to insulting the Prophet Muhammad and obviously did not extend to insulting the gods, prophets and spiritual avatars of any other major religion.
However, it is important to look at the strategic goals of such editors and publishers. They did succeed in their objective, which was to cause maximum provocation to Muslims worldwide and to create an atmosphere of contempt and hatred towards them among the followers of other religions. Muslims were predictably and understandably offended and their reactions led to some horrible incidents in various parts of the globe. What those who reacted violently did not realise was that they had fallen in the trap of anti-Muslim mischief-mongers, who, through provocation had achieved their goal. Now the stage was set to repeat the old charge: Muslims were fanatics, volatile and irrational — they were ‘terrorists’! The divide between ‘us’ and ‘them’ as cultural opposites was reinforced and widened.
The anti-Muslim media keep on churning out the common stereotypes that portray Muslims, compared to Westerners, as more prone to conflict and violence. These media publish accounts of conflicts in the Muslim countries as self-evident truths to reinforce the image. There is a general tendency to oversimplify or ignore altogether diverse trends and complex socio-economic factors that lead to instability and conflicts in various Muslim countries. The explanations offered and conclusions drawn sometimes are based on implicit, but more often, explicit assumptions about the superiority of Western, ‘Judaeo-Christian’ culture, while the Islamic world is thought to be an epicentre of brutality and disharmony.
A very common stereotype in the Western media is that Islamic countries are inherently prone to violence, fanaticism, medieval ideas and prejudices. This means that Islam, both as a religion and as a cultural influence, is to bear the responsibility for all such regional ills. The West is the harbinger of sweetness and light (but occasionally also darkness and misery), peace and civility (but occasionally predatory wars and barbarism), rationality and open-mindedness (but occasionally irrationality, racism and prejudice, and always is focused on its own interests). All those who have taken the trouble to look at the last few centuries’ history of Western colonialism, extending from the time of the so-called ‘discoveries’ of America by Columbus in 1492 and of India by Vasco de Gama in 1498 by sea routes, the ‘discovery’ of Africa by the European for slave trade show the ‘noble’ hands of Western nations that were extended to the people of Americas, Asia, Africa and Australia have left their marks on every continent. We cannot go into historical details here. But the global expansion of Western colonialism is the story of plunder and destruction across continents. No doubt, the seeds of Western civilisation were sown in this way. Within Western societies, the internal conflicts, violence and wars present us with a gory history. This superior culture when seen in the limited sphere of geopolitics and international relations in the last one hundred years only leaves a legacy of two World Wars, more wars (Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq), invasions and coups (Guatemala, Grenada, Iran, Pakistan, Indonesia, Chile, Argentina, Congo, southern Africa), concentration camps, racist massacres undertaken on a large scale by the flag-bearers of Western civilisation.
It is obvious that cultural differences between nations and peoples of the world are a fact of history. And in this context generalising about cultural differences is unavoidable. But in no way can such differences be equated with mutual exclusiveness or inevitable hostility between different cultures. Where the initial instinct is not to enter into an anthropological or historical study of comparative cultures, but rather to foment strife and hatred between nations and religions for ulterior motives the consequences can be disastrous. Let us take the events in the aftermath of the bombing of Oklahoma City in the United States on 19 April 1995. The media rushed to spread rumours that a ‘Middle Eastern man’ [i.e. a Muslim Arab] was responsible for the carnage. As a result Muslims throughout the United States were targeted for physical abuse, rough treatment and social ostracism. Their mosques were desecrated, Muslim women ere harassed and cars belonging to ‘Middle Easterns’ damaged. A British newspaper Today published on its front page a frightening picture of a fireman carrying the burnt remains of a dead child under the headline ‘In the name of Islam’. Identifying the perpetrator of such a reprehensible act alone would not be sufficient; Islam also had to be brought in to ignite the communal passions of people against members of another faith. However, it soon became evident that the bomber was a fair-haired American soldier, a decorated Gulf War (1991) veteran. The religion of this right-wing terrorist was not Islam but Christianity. But no one in either American or British media labelled him a ‘Christian terrorist’ or apologised to Muslims for the wrongs done to them. Once again the freedom to tell the truth and report events fairly had taken a back seat.
The second instance is the 11 September 2001 attack on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon by a few persons, most of whom came from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a close ally of America. They saw the policies pursued by the US in the Middle East and its support for the anachronistic rule by the House of Saud as the stumbling block towards a fair social order in their country as well as the rest of the Middle East. No matter what the nature of their grievances, I regard this attack terribly wrong. It provided ammunition to the neocons and right-wing fanatics in Washington to unleash the reign of terror, war, death and destruction in the Middle East and the petroleum regions in the general vicinity. At the same time, we ask a simple question: What had these bombings to do with millions of ordinary Muslim citizens of Europe and America? The answer is: nothing whatsoever. We witnessed that they were victimised everywhere by many white Westerners in the most grotesque and despicable ways.
During my stay in Europe for more than four decades, I have become acutely aware that the negative images of Islam and Islamic civilisation need a serious historical analysis for general readers as well as academic scholars that enables us to rise above oft-repeated and worn-out clichés of media and partisan scholarship and thus show the facts of the problematic relations between the two world religions and their civilisations. My book Perceptions of Islam in the Christendoms (2006) deals these themes and issues. It is clear that both Islam and the West suffer from the perceptual problems of adversary relationship going far back in history. Their mutual perceptions have been distorted by religious dogmas, political developments and traditional prejudices. If we take a look at the history of European colonial expansion in Americas, Australia and in the East (China, India, the Middle East and North Africa, etc.) the old balance of power between the East and the West had changed. The colonial power over other nations also strengthened the collective consciousness of the industrial West, or its assumption that it was more powerful and therefore superior to the rest of the world. The colonised and subjugated people also started to perceive the West as materially, culturally, and morally superior. It is true the West was superior in producing machines, modern weaponry and efficient armies to invade and subjugate other countries of the world. This made Western nations more powerful, but that did not mean they were morally or intellectually superior. But the subjugated races were not in a position to advance such challenging views. In such uneven power relations under colonialism no genuine communication was possible. The same is true of the current neo-colonial war in Iraq by the Bush Administration to achieve full control over the oil resources and assert political hegemony over the entire Middle East.
The Western ways to see Islam as a monolithic religious and political force is against all historical facts and contemporary political realities. Islam is not a monolithic force; the diversity within the Islamic world is wider than most Westerners think. Within three decades after the death of the Prophet Muhammad, Muslim community split into Sunni and Shia factions following a civil war. This division proved to be permanent, and further divisions within the two main branches have characterised Islamic faith and polity for fourteen centuries. The spread of Islam followed different paths in different countries and regions of the world. At present over one billion people of all races, languages, nationalities and cultures are Muslims. Their socio-cultural conditions as well as their doctrinal affiliations show much diversity and complexity. What this means is that Islam as a universal religion, like Christianity, is not a monolithic entity; this is despite the fact that Muslims share some fundamental beliefs in One God and His revelations through the prophets.
However, historical and religious traditions and myths have a life of their own. Once they have become part of a culture they continue to shape and restructure the collective consciousness of vast populations. The anti-Islamic tradition in the Christendoms has a long historical pedigree and it continues to be a dynamic factor affecting and determining international relations. The study of history helps us to see facts in their historical evolutionary process and thus lighten the cultural baggage that has often poisoned relationships between the two religious communities. An honest and balanced study of the past and the present-day geopolitical realities of the global hegemonic world order means that we no longer have to passively accept distorted legacies and close our eyes to what is happening in Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan, and also in Pakistan at the hands of the United States, its allies and the marionette Muslim ruling cliques.
The question of ‘Islamic terrorism’, the denial of women’s rights under Islam and the alleged irreconcilability of Islamic and Western values appear all the time in the Western media. But such accusations reveal a deep-rooted ignorance and confusion. They have no relationship to reality. We should bear in mind that a follower of a religion is not necessarily a true representative or spokesperson of that religion. Neither can the individual acts of terrorism, state-terrorism or superpower-terrorism be imputed to religion whether it be Christianity, Judaism, Islam or Hinduism. If an individual or group from a Muslim community resorts to extremism in political or religious spheres for whatever reason or commits a crime, the general tendency is to hold the whole Islamic tradition responsible. What happens if someone from Western culture or a Christian right-wing extremist resorts to violence or commits a crime? He is held responsible as an individual and no one blames the Western culture or Christianity for his actions. Do we not have some powerful leaders in the West who are Christian right-wingers and are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Muslim men, women and children? Does anyone blame Christianity for that? We ask these questions and expect our readers to ask these questions and then try to find some answers.
With regard to women, the Qur’an gave them legal rights of inheritance and divorce in the seventh-century, which Western women would not receive until the 19th or 20th century. There is nothing in Islam about obligatory veiling of women or their seclusion, either. In fact, such practices came into Islam about three generations after the death of the Prophet Muhammad under the influence of the Greek Christians of Byzantium. In fact there has been a high degree of cultural interaction between Christians and Muslims from the beginning of Islamic history.
The fundamental values of fraternity, respect, justice and peace are common in all the major civilisations and the five major religions. To call democracy ‘a Western value’ is simply bizarre; the monarchical system prevailed in Europe where the kings held absolute powers under the divine right to rule. The evolution of democratic and constitutional form of government took shape much later. Contrary to what the media and populist politicians assert, there is nothing in Islam that goes against democracy and democratic values.
Posted by
9/23/2007 01:43:00 AM
Labels: Muslim Issues
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Is there a flaw in women?
By the time the Lord made woman, he was into his sixth
day of working overtime.
An angel appeared and said,
"Why are you spending so much time on this one?"
And the Lord answered, "Have you seen my spec sheet on
She has to be completely washable, but not plastic,
have over 200 movable parts, all replaceable and able
to run on diet coke and leftovers, have a lap that can
hold four children at one time, have a kiss that can
cure anything from a scraped knee to a broken heart -
and she will do everything with only two hands."
The angel was astounded at the requirements. "Only two
hands!? No way! And that's just on the standard
model? That's too much work for one day. Wait until
tomorrow to finish."
"But I won't," the Lord protested. "I am so close to
finishing this creation that is so close to my own
heart. She already heals herself when she is sick AND
can work 18 hour days."
The angel moved closer and touched the woman.
"But you have made her so soft, Lord."
"She is soft," the Lord agreed, "but I have also made
her tough. You have no idea what she can endure or
"Will she be able to think?", asked the angel.
The Lord replied, "Not only will she be able to think,
she will be able to reason and negotiate."
The angel then noticed something, and reaching out,
touched the woman's cheek. "Oops, it looks like you
have a leak in this model. I told you that you were
trying to put too much into this one."
"That's not a leak," the Lord corrected, "that's a
"What's the tear for?" the angel asked.
The Lord said, "The tear is her way of expressing her
joy, her sorrow, her pain, her disappointment, her
love, her loneliness, her grief and her pride."
The angel was impressed. "You are a genius, Lord.
You thought of everything! Woman is truly amazing."
And she is! Women have strengths that amaze men.
They bear hardships and they carry burdens, but they
hold happiness, love and joy.
They smile when they want to scream.
They sing when they want to cry.
They cry when they are happy and laugh when they are
They fight for what they believe in.
They stand up to injustice.
They don't take "no" for an answer when they believe
there is a better solution.
They go without so their family can have.
They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.
They love unconditionally.
They cry when their children excel and cheer when
their friends get awards.
They are happy when they hear about a birth or a
Their hearts break when a friend dies.
They grieve at the loss of a family member, yet they
are strong when they think there is no strength left.
They know that a hug and a kiss can heal a broken
Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors. They'll
drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you to show how much
they care about you.
The heart of a woman is what makes the world keep
They bring joy, hope and love. They have compassion
and ideals.
They give moral support to their family and friends.
Women have vital things to say and everything to give.
Posted by
9/22/2007 01:00:00 AM
Labels: Woman
7 Rules of Motivation
#1 Set a major goal, but follow a path. The path has mini goals that go in many directions. When you learn to succeed at mini goals, you will be motivated to challenge grand goals.
#2 Finish what you start. A half finished project is of no use to anyone. Quitting is a habit. Develop the habit of finishing self-motivated projects.
#3 Socialize with others of similar interest. Mutual support is motivating. We will develop the attitudes of our five best friends. If they are losers, we will be a loser. If they are winners, we will be a winner. To be a cowboy we must associate with cowboys.
#4 Learn how to learn. Dependency on others for knowledge supports the habit of procrastination. Man has the ability to learn without instructors. In fact, when we learn the art of self-education we will find, if not create, opportunity to find success beyond our wildest dreams. |
#5 Harmonize natural talent with interest that motivates. Natural talent creates motivation, motivation creates persistence and persistence gets the job done.
#6 Increase knowledge of subjects that inspires. The more we know about a subject, the more we want to learn about it. A self-propelled upward spiral develops. |
#7 Take risk. Failure and bouncing back are elements of motivation. Failure is a learning tool. No one has ever succeeded at anything worthwhile without a string of failures.
Posted by
9/22/2007 12:29:00 AM
Labels: Motivation
Friday, September 21, 2007
Melucuti kemuliaan dan kecenderungan yang indah
dan menjadikan burung rajawali seperti burung puyuh
menundukkan para pengendara dengan nada yang terang
dan derasnya laut menenggelamkan bahtera
lagu-lagu meninarobokkan kesadaran kita
napasnya memadam cahaya kita....
Posted by
9/21/2007 11:57:00 PM
Labels: Author's Desk
The Ten Principles of Hassan al-Banna
1.) The Unity of the Ummah. He considered it in itself a primary and important goal that we must strive for. "Do no disagree, then you fail and lose the wind (in your tail."
2.) The Agreement on Principal Matters. Such that we start by considering everyone who declares shahadah - La ilah illaAllah, Muhammad arrusulAllah - as our companion and part of the Muslim group.
3.) Assume First that You, Not Your Muslim Brother, May be Wrong. And see how you find the truth impartially.
4.) The Manners for Disagreement. That you should be as keen about listening to your brother's evidence and argument as you are about giving your evidence and argument, and be pleasant and smiling whether the result is for you or against you.
5.) Avoiding Arguing, Self-Righteousness, and Belittling of Others. Al Banna said: "No nation went astray after being guided, except after it fell to cursing and arguing." And: "He will have a place in Heaven that leaves arguing when he is wrong, and a higher place in Heaven if he leaves arguing when he is right."
6.) The Possibility of Multiple Correct Answers. He referred to the Prophet telling the sahabah to pray Asr in Bani Quraiza, how some of them prayed Asr when it's time came, while others prayed it when they reached Bani Quraiza after sundown, and how the Prophet praised both parties.
7.) The Group Participation in Agreed Upon Matters and to Excuse One Another in What is Disagreed Upon. He emphasized, "We all agree on prohibiting alcohol, adultery, and gambling, and we agree on the duty to govern according to Quran so let us invite governments to implement it; we agree that honor and respect are due to Muslims, so let us impart these ideals to Muslims, we agree that jihad is the means to accomplish honor so let us train the individual, and to raise children with the necessary spiritual and physical training."
8.) Thinking of the Danger of the Common Adversary. He reminded Muslims of the present external enemies who do not differentiate between Muslims or different views or different national origin. The enemy considers Muslims enemies of his religion, and their homelands a prize to be dominated for its resources. He emphasized the need for unity to deter aggression.
9.) Opening the Avenues for Work and Productivity. He recognized the duel purpose of working hard, to produce more and to stay free from the evil of idleness. He encouraged members to excel in schools and jobs, and to seek earning from lawful sources and to shun laziness and dependence on others. He encouraged them to fill in duties that others have not even identified, such as visiting brothers far and near, volunteerism, and to allow time each day for examining how they have done for the sake of Allah.
10.) Sympathy for Those Who Do Not See the Light. Rather than being angry with them or exposing their shortcomings. He never attacked his accusers or distractors on personal matter, but rather sought Allah's help in making His message clearer to those who were listening.
Posted by
9/21/2007 09:46:00 PM
Labels: Religious
Thursday, September 20, 2007
What can I do...?
What can I do...?
The rumbling noise of tanks
Crushing cars are heard,
Exploding machine guns
Echo in the air,
Mountains of fire burns down
Our town...
What can I do...?
Each day,
The screams of mothers could be heard,
Each day,
The crying babies cry frantically,
Each day,
Men fight intensively...
What can I do ?
Each time an explosion occurs,
Bodies fall,
Each time a cry of freedom is heard,
Souls are lost,
Each time a mother cries,
A loves one is gone...
Anger grows...
What can I do ?
Break a sweat,
Shead a tear,
Lose my blood,
Sacrifice my soul ?
Posted by
9/20/2007 07:54:00 AM
Labels: Poem
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
10 Sicknesses of the Heart...
Ten Sicknesses of the Heart...
1. You believe in the existance of Allah (SWT) but you do not fulfil His Commands.
2. You say you love the Prophet Mohammed (SAW) but you do not follow his Sunnah.
3. You read the Holy Qur'an but you do not put it into practice.
4. You enjoy all the benefits from Allah (SWT) but you are not grateful to him.
5. You acknowledge Shaitan as your enemy but you do not go against him.
6. You want to enter Paradise but you do not work for it.
7. You do not want to be thrown into Hell-Fire but you do not try to run away from it.
8. You believe that every living-thing will face death but you do not prepare for it.
9. You gossip and find faults in others but you forget your own faults and habits.
10. You bury the Dead but you do not take a lesson from it.
Posted by
9/19/2007 09:05:00 AM
Labels: Religious
Tricks of the Shaytan....
As for the tricks of Shaytaan against you they are seven.
1. He obstructs you from doing acts of obedience . Repel him, if Allah protects you, by realizing that you are in need of these acts of obedience in order to gather provision from this life for the next life which will have no ending.
2. He commands you to procrastinate in acts of obedience . Repel him , if Allah protects you, by realizing that your appointed time is not in your hands and that you could die at any moment.
3. He commands you to rush in acts of obedience by suggesting to you , " Hurry! In order that you can do so-and-so!" Repel him, if Allah protects you, that realizing that few acts of obedience done with perfection is better than many done incompletely.
4. He commands you to perfect your worship in order to be seen of men. Repel him, if Allah protects you, by realizing that the sight of Allah is enough for you over the sight of men.
5. He whispers arrogance and pride in your heart by saying, " Who is greater and more precise than your obedience?" Repel him, if Allah protects you, , by realizing that your acts of obedience to Allah is a blessing from Allah, not from yourself. If it were not for the bounty of Allah, you would not be able to establish any act of obedience , which are nothing next to the blessing of Allah Ta`ala.
6. This is the greatest of his tricks, he says to you, " Make strenuous effort in keeping your obedience of Allah secret. Soon He will make your acts manifest before the world!" Repel him, if Allah protects you, that you are a slave of Allah and that He alone is your Master. If He wills , He will manifest you and is He wills He will keep you concealed. If He wills, He will make you important and if He wills He will make you insignificant. That is for Him to decide, and you should not care whether He manifest your good deeds to people or not, because there is nothing in thier hands worth seeking after.
7. He suggest in your heart, " There is no need for you to perform acts of obedience to Allah. Truly, if you were created and destined to be among the people of bliss, then there is no danger in you neglecting the acts of worship. And if you were created and destined to be among the people of wretchednedd, then there is no benefit in doing them. Repel him , if Allah protects you, that realizing that you are a slave . And that it the duty of a slave to obey the commands as is the rights to slaveness (`ubuudiyya).
Allah is the Rabb, and He knows the rights of Lordship (rubuubiyya). Thus these acts of obedience will benefit you in every way if you were created and destined to be among the people of bliss. It will benefit you by increasing your reward. And if you were not created and destined for bliss, then in no way Allah will punish you for acts of obedience. These acts of obedience will not harm you. For to be entered into the fire while you are obedient to Allah is more precious to you than you being entered into the fire while you are disobedient.
And how is it possible for you to enter the fire when the Promise of Allah is true and His Words are Truthful. For He has promised a tremendous reward for acts of obedience. Whoever meets Allah Ta`ala while he has faith and obedience will never enter the fire and he has dully earned the Paradise by the Promise of Allah the Truthful and not by any act. It is in that Allah has informed us by His saying, " Allah`s praises are due to Allah who made good to us His Promise and has made us inherit the earth and we may abide in the Paradise whenever we please. Excellent is the Reward of those who work. 39:74.
Therefore my brothers, wake up! It is as He said. So seek the aid of Allah alone and seek refuge with Him. All matters are in His hands and from Him alone is success. And there is no power nor might except with Allah the Exalted the Great.
Shaykh `Uthman Dan Fodio Tareeqah Al-Jannah Bab Muhaarabatush-Shaytaan-On the War with Shaytaan.
Posted by
9/19/2007 07:56:00 AM
Labels: Religious
Wal asr

Islamic Hijri Calendar